Monday, November 15, 2010

No one likes handjobs Cosmo...

I wouldn’t exactly proclaim myself a relationship expert, but after 3 very long-term relationships (10 years combined) and one dating show in the bag, I would put my advice up against any women’s publication out there.  I’m serious – Have you read a Cosmo advice column lately?  I’m pretty sure it’s either written by sadomasochistic 40 year-olds that have been recently dumped by their husbands for younger women or by ladies my age that sit by their phones, religiously watch/read He’s Just Not That Into You, and reinforce horrible dating techniques.  Seriously, girls hate to play “The Game” but these magazines are encouraging them to play, albeit badly.

Awhile back I read an article; in either Cosmo or Allure, that encouraged girls to get the guy they wanted by surprising him with a hand job.  A HANDJOB!  What self-respecting female gives a hand job after high school?  I, for one, have never even given a hj.  In Jr. High, a best guy friend of mine enlightened me with the revelation that guys like hjs from themselves, a girl will never be able to do it like they can.  After that advice, I never even bothered.  I like to be skilled at the techniques that I use – If I’ll never be good at it – why even try?  Why are women encouraging other women to do this?  Why are guys not telling girls that it doesn’t feel that great? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Luckily for those currently dating, I am now making it my goal to prove that most of the relationship/dating advice you get from publications like Cosmo is total bullshit. Every week I'll call them out on their horrible advice, dispense my own advice and then even show their techniques in action with the help of my single and attractive friends.  You're going down Cosmo...